Featured Listings
11 Bedroom Residential House in Antipolo City
This 11-bedroom residential house sits on a 2,186 sqm property with a floor area of 2,500 sqm. It is fully furnished and has 14 parking slots.
Located in Valley Golf & Country Club, Antipolo City. 🟢 Available | For Sale |
Luxury Townhouses in Quezon City
Designed with the utmost attention to detail, featuring high ceilings, large windows, and a contemporary aesthetic that seamlessly blends style and comfort.
Centrally located within New Manila and Cubao. Easy access to nearby business and commercial areas such as the Ortigas CBD, Greenhills, and Araneta Center. 🟢 Ready for Occupancy and Preselling Units Available |
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Real Estate News & Blogs
"Rent to Own" is a highly used term that even real estate dummies or newbie homeowners have likely heard. The phrases "rent to own home" or "rent to own deals" might be heard in conversations among friends and relatives seeking rental properties near their work place, hoping to hit two birds with one stone by putting their monthly rent towards a down payment.
Prioritizing minimum energy usage is a must in every household. The goal is to reduce energy consumption in order to save money and not break the bank. Here are energy efficient means to keep the Meralco electric bill from taking up the majority of your utility bills.
Paying taxes is, in fact, a necessary evil in life. Hate it all you want but a critical part about being a property owner is having an understanding of what basic real property tax is and knowing how to calculate real property tax. These are responsibilities that all real property owners cannot elude.
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Mikko Mendoza